DevLog Week3: Chunky adventures...

Hi! Third week of development for my project, still don't have a name right now (see week 2 DevLog).

-> Objectives met ?

The goals I set for this week were to get the procedural generation going for level 1. I also tought I could maybe get started on character animations. I did not.

-> So, what’s happening?

 I had to scrap my first and second attempts at procedural generation as it was not giving me what I wanted. Finally I settled on seeded chunks. Each chunk has 1 entry and between 1 and 3 exit(s), the map is generated at runtime, picking randomly between chunks who's entry matches the current chunk's exit(s).

Chunks Demo Video:

Eventualy, each individual chunk will use its seed to perform some random function during setup.

I have also started to work on what I call "garnish" assets, which is the stuff that fills out the edges of the map, so as to not have any visible void.

Level 1 Visual Demo:

-> Objectives for week four?

The goal of week four will be to flesh out the Hub town as well as the various interfaces the game will need (main menu, options, skills, items...). I will also get started on character animations.

Thanks for reading me, have a good week!

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